Monday, March 18, 2024

The Job's Done.....

 The newly created back piece for the chest of drawers is doing what I wanted it to do. When arrangments are place on top there is a background.

I applied a layer of paste wax using a fine steel wool to create a better finish.  I spent a lot of time polishing then I attached the back piece permanently to the chest. I added designs that were from my own creative period of style as I had nothing carved or any curved molding. With the stain and finish being an exact match it looks like it was always been on it. I have an oak chest of drawers that has a fancier back piece and that is what inspired the making of this one.

We woke up to 26° F. this morning.  It is a hard freeze and I could see the hollyhocks were not pleased with it. It takes a good winter coat with a hood as we also have good wind chill.  Outdoor work is on hold for now but by another month I will be back to doing outside projects.  Thanks for stopping by today.