Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Tuesday's Today.....

 I walked the backyard this monring.  I was glad to see the daffodils have their buds showing. This is their second year at this place so they have become established. 

These iris have been here for two years now.  I don't remember the colors as it hasn't bloomed in this since I moved them... I would think for sure I will see blooms this season. I have a lot of moved iris, from a clay filled wet area and this will be the year for them to bloom.

It was a little bit cool out there but we are going to warm up nicely. I grabbed a shot of my decorated beams.  I used two brackets from a house that belonged to my grandparents farm home.  The house was torn doen in 1958 and my dad saved the parts. I remember seeing that house as it had many porches with gingerbread decoration everywhere.


. Some of my housekeeping chores includes cleaning fish tanks. The fish are in a holding tank while I change the water and clean the glass. I will let the water set for a day before I start to transfer the fish back. I carried buckets of water from the bathroom tub to get my tank filled up again. 

The fish seem happy in their second home but they will like being back into the bigger tank. 

While emptying out the original tank I discoverer the algae eater hiding inside the fake log. He has grown big since I first bought him. 

We are having a windy day with 62° F. that feels warm. It looks like a great spring day. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Terrible windy here, your Daffodils will bloom soon1:)

  2. Nice day for you! It was so windy here that dust was clouding everywhere!
