Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Computer Hospital....

 Flowers from the store look like sunflowers even though they are small mums. My sunflower seeds started slowly this spring so I won't have blooms for quite a while. 

I don't do great planning but the moving of these two kind of plants into this space is working out great. 

This is a different variety of tiger lily than the traditional variety. I would still like to have that old fashioned one which would remind me of my on grandmother who had them growing in her garden when I was a kid.

I have many things that have broken in the past few days. I fixed my garage door sensors this morning.  I am hoping that our refrigerator will recover from lint covered coils that I cleaned.  I finally got a hold of a billing company and got back a lot of money that I mistakenly paid for a hospital bill. I finally took my computer, MacAir to the computer hospital as the hackers or whatever they are invaded my computer.  It made downloads of unwanted logins clogging things up and cluttering my screen with unwanted squares in a row continually posting in a column. When I would delete them one at a time they multiplied. My diabetic meter and sensor have been failing and I have been told that I was over sugared when I wasn't. I think it is corrected now with a new battery in one of them and calibration corrections finally took hold on my meter. 

Other things have been going bad as I lost a first cousin recently who was two years older me. He lived a sad story of being in an institution most of his life from severe autism. He went to the State Hospital to live when he was 12 years old and never had a family that could support him. He had family there where he lived. 

I did get some good news yesterday but am not sharing it for now.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my you have had quite a time. Sorry about your cousins death.
