Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Small Visitor.....

 He is one of my little visitors that is busy eating my grass. My neighbor had four of the them in his yard and now I have a couple of them. I like how this photo shows how small he really is.

He is exploring his whole world around our house.  I have seen him at the front door steps.  I have watching him cross in front of me in the back patio while I am sitting in a chair. 

A very blurry photo gives proof that I did see a cardinal at a far away distance.  It even sang me a song.  My iphone couldn't pull it in for focus. 

I thought it would clever to get a side view of this day lily. I didn't know the insect with legs was clinging to the side of it. We called them walking sticks when I was a kid.

The blanket flower is doing well even though it is being crowded out by the salvia. I will work on that with some screens to hold things back.

My very first morning glory showed up in my tomato patch. I was pulling most of them up but some always get through the greens. Our high was 80 degrees today.  I got the backyard mowed this morning in cooler temperatures and it looks like we have more storms coming our way tonight. Lots of things were taken off my list today. Important things were decided and I still have a some more things to fix. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice flowers! My morning glories have started early this year and are doing very well! They climbed my wagon wheel and are literally taking it over.

    I think I would love to add some blanket flowers like yours to my gardens! They are so stunning and cheerful!
