Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday's Mentions.......

 Low light in the afternoon keeps me from getting a lot of detail in the shot. I have yet to see a male hummingbird but I know there must be some there. I have them fighting over the feeder at times. 

They are good at working that beak getting it into the tiny hole for sugar water. 

The doves seem to love dropping in onto that hook before deciding which feeder they want to land on for free food.

The light rain last night did help to bring out more blooms. The bush is not in full bloom yet but the spots of color are so great. 

Plants are so unpredictable as here is a spring bloom on the chives.  It is the only one on the plant. I will cut chives tonight for baked potatoes. 

I worked outside this morning and it was too hot to be out there. I made a decision that I can build inside on the cool, carpeted floor with air conditioned air. The birds will like a little company. Nothing has been attached here but tomorrow I will start using the power screw driver and get it all squared up for good. I have some tweaking to do on the design before I do that as usual. 

Thanks for checking in today.