Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday's Wet and Windy Day.....

 The mourning dove is mostly peaceful unless some sparrow is eating seed where it wants to be. 

We had strong winds last night and then again this morning. I had a wheel barrow dumped over in the wind and things were blown across the yard. 

At the back patio the wind flattened my cone flowers and one completely broke off at the base. I wired up the remaining stems. I was working after it stopped raining in the morning and then I had to quit because started raining again. 

I will finish with a shot of old blue. It is loving all the rains that we are having it.  I can't imagine how many birds have been fledged in its branches.  The sparrows love it and so do the house finches. Cardinals are suppose to like the tree also but I think a pair did nest in my neighbor's trees down the way. 

Thanks for stopping by today.