Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday's A Good Day....

 I captured this in the afternoon when the light was just right. I have two hummingbirds for sure but maybe more. If I could photograph them every time that they come to the feeder I could study them for their difference. But the flit in and out so fast that it is hard to get a shot of everyone.





This photo is one example of why I grow zinnias. They photograph so well and have suce interesting parts and colors. 





It has been lifted. Stolen maybe could be the word that I use. I planted a maroon petunia there, mature plant with blooms on it. My neighbor Greg watched me plant it.  I have been watering it along with the geraniums.  I returned yesterday to get a photo of it. Dog walkers do carry plastic bags with them as they go down the street. I guess it was looking like a free plant for someone else as they walked by on the sidewalk. That is a first for me.   Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Some people will steal anything, they are right little thieving bastards
