Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Middle of the Week Report.....

 A yellow variety of tomato is starting to produce some tomatoes. They seem small but they do taste good.  I have picked one red tomato but it is getting to be time for them to start to turn red. 

My mammoth sunflower seed was bad as I didn't get one of them to sprout. The smaller variety of them is doing well. It will be good to see some of them bloom soon.

My zinnia patch is starting to bloom. You already know that I take hundreds of shots of them and share a lot of them on my blog.  The color of the flowers against the green is just an outstanding color scheme. 

Larry's folly is almost done.  Parts are getting first coats of sealer and others are getting second coats now too. I put away my saw and I am cleaning up the tools. So I guess I have surrendered to working on it anymore. Once the folly is all sealed, I am going to give the steps a renewed coat of sealer.

We had storms last night off and on all night. We have more on schedule later today. We are not use to getting rain and the thunderstorms seem wonderful since we have not had any for years. The derecho type of storm is not a good one and they think we may have one this evening. I need to bring in anything that will blow away.  It is a typical summer day and it did get really hot this morning while I was working. A breeze made things tolerable but I was glad to come inside for lunch. 

Thanks for checking in today. 


  1. Looks like things are really taking shape, I don't recall ever seeing a yellow tomato

  2. Your railing looks good and I know it will help you get up and down the stairs!
