Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday's things.......

I have an area in the space between my old side walk and the street, that I created a one time only flower garden. The van that I had towed away was sitting there for a year and it killed out the grass. I was going to plant grass seed but instead I thought just one year I will plant some annuals. The above picture is stage two. Stage one is below. I actually had a picture of the bare spot but that probably wouldn't be necessary. You know what dead grass looks like.
When I first planted it I used zinnia seed from last year. I ran out of seed so I bought some new seed and also I have planted in there sweet basil plants and other novelty plants. I found some cheap petunias to put in at the corners. It has to look better eventually but the rains have been good to the bed. I am still not sure if the city is in favor of me doing this. That is why I will leave it for only one year.
I had to pick more raspberries and went back for a third container. Some on you say that isn't much, but wow, I have never owned any raspberries before so this is great. I got a second pie from my wonderful wife. It is such good stuff.
My geraniums box is doing great. I can't figure out why the camera read an orange in that one bloom but I think they need to work on creating a bring orange geranium. It actually is red. The pink plant in the middle of those two is still struggling but I think I will get a photo of it by itself soon. I got the primer coat of paint on the front porch but I am too tired to shot a photo. I will take it tomorrow right before I put the final color on it. I hope I like the final color is a good choice as it looks fantastic all white. We will see. Thanks for reading....


  1. I picked the last of our black raspberries yesterday. It takes 2 cups for cobbler, 4 cups for a pie and two quarts for jam. I made one cobbler, two pies and I finally picked enough to make jam. Those are in the freezer waiting for winter.
    The geranium looks good, maybe you had some water on your lens??

    Why would the city not like your flower bed? I think it looks nice, nicer than a van sitting there. That's making good use of some dead grass!

  2. YUMMM! Raspberry pie is my all time FAVORITE pie. I am jealous!
