Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday's tokens......

I mentioned in an earlier blog that our weather was going to give us some severe storms. We can't be hot, windy, and extremely humid without some kind of explosive force from it. Sunday the conditions for tornadoes existed. Usually with a tornado their is a opposite end of the major cloud that is putting out hail. Instead of tornadoes a few or our counties got the hail. It was high winds, 60 mph and hail the size of baseballs. We did not get this but it was northeast of us. The hail destroyed entire fields of corn and beans, shredded all plants. The houses in Eldora, Iowa lost their cars, lost the siding off the sides of their houses and most of their windows in their houses. People who were out in this, were literally covered with welts. I assume they covered their heads with their arms or they would have had concussions. Having had a tornado three years ago, I expect anything to happen. When we get hurricane like weather, one knows it isn't going to be a good thing living in Iowa. We were worried but ended up with only an inch of rain.
I have no theme today. I have been working in the rubble, recreating a bathroom from mold and dust. So I will show you stuff. This fish was given to me by a boy in high school. His parents were switching their tank over to salt water, so I was bless with a few free fish. It is a parrot head cichlid. My best photo of him I will be posting on my photo a day some time down the road, if I am not over the hill. Heck, the background of that photo is in perfect focus, I love it....
My granite ware pot is doing well with it's impatient plants. It sits on my patio table so I can keep it watered so that it never gets heat shock.
Another photo from the zoo. The flamingos were consistently indifferent to us spectators. They were either asleep or kept their backs turned toward us. They are beautiful birds.
Black Eyed Susan flowers are a nice splash of yellow and green. They are tough flowers and really survive rainy weather without a single change. Thanks for reading......


  1. I love your Parrot Head Chichlid !
    He looks like he is grinning, a bit like Nemo ;)
    Your flowers are always so colorful and full, do you feed them ?
    I give mine a feeding about every month, of Miracle Gro or something similar.
    Those flamingos are just beautiful!

  2. That storm sounds wicked. I hope we get nothing like that.

  3. Loved the flamingo photo. I just love those birds. Whenever we go and visit my daughter in Florida I am in awe of the birds there. I could watch the flamingos forever!
