Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fiddle Faddle.....

I had a busy day outside. I repotted plants into bigger containers and worked with weeds. I also had heard a rumor that I was going to get sighted for some branches hanging out into our alley, so I was out and in twenty minutes I got all those offending branches taken care of for the city. Actually the branches were some quick growing mulberries that came from our town cops mulberry tree down the street. Our town of 1400 has a paranoia about trees, mowing grass into the street when we don't have curbs or gutters, and keeping the alley clear. We are so small that if we had a fire, they wouldn't need the alley for my house, they don't even have a hydrant except for a block away on the main street. The council is funny as the school built a new very expensive gym too close to the street. They got all bent out of shape. What were they going to do, make them pick it up and move it back 4 feet? One council man said the public would not tolerate the costs of reworking the gym, duh?? They gave them a variance.
I got distracted, I wasn't going to write so much. I bought the new ceramic pot above at Kmart for $4.50. I put the succulents in it for now and some Minnesota rocks. Kmart moved out garden stuff and put in school things, so everything was seventy percent off.
I found an old bonsai pot and planted a cactus in it. The cactus has tripled in size since I bought it and so it was time to get it out of it's original pot. I used some aquarium rock on the top of the soil. I remember that my Grandmother Burgus had a very large collection of cactus in her bay window. I don't know where they would get cactus in the 40's and early 50's but she had a large variety. I suppose people traded them back then and they migrated with them, I don't know.
In the backyard, the hostas are through blooming and I like the look of the long stems swaying back and forth. The phlox are starting to get the white plague on their leaves. They are about done anyway.
In honor of my neighbor who threw his cactus into the alley to die, I picked up one of his beer bottles in my alley bushes and planted it next to the cactus. Thanks for reading.......


  1. You are too funny. Planted a beer bottle! ha
    We had a beer up her called Busch beer. (Pronounced like BUSH beer). So maybe it would work.

  2. That new planter is so lovely, sadly I didn't make it over to Kmart today..who knows, maybe tomorrow.
    I've seen gardeners plant colored bottles in their gardens, the sunlight bounces off them, and they look like stained glass.
    Cute idea.

  3. The beer bottle ending is a classic. You're my kind of man LD
