Sunday, October 4, 2009

The absent gardener.....

The weeds, or water grass have won. I can see that this gardener hasn't been out to visit this corner garden for over a month. We finally have stopped receiving rain. I have to walk the border collie when it rains and every time I walked him today it was sprinkling. The last time that I took him at five today, it sprinkled on the way back. I went out and took pictures anyway.

This is the view down my street. The blue house is the neighbor's and the maple tree that is turning colors belongs to them also. My sidewalk is as old as my house. The town is going around and requiring people to replace their sidewalks, but I guess they are leaving me alone for a while. It is funny that a lot of people have no sidewalks in town and they aren't making them pour sidewalks. Mine really doesn't have any places that would cause one to fall down. I am sure that the WPA (1940) put this sidewalk in so it makes it a historical landmark. I am sure the town council would go hysterical if I reminded them of that. Have a good Sunday. Thanks for reading....


  1. The beautiful trees, and the old sidewalk... I would love to go for a walk down your street. Looks so peaceful.
    My garden is beginning to look like the absent gardeners.

  2. It seems to be, your neighborhood has many trees.I like this pleasant surroundings.
