Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Menagerie.......

A small percentage of my apples are good but the ones that look good really are good. I am going to get an apple pie out of these. Did I tell you that my wife is the best pie maker in the world?? Well she is!!!

One last hydrangea coming out and fading. I have to steal over to my neighbors and get photos of the one that the have which has one pink bloom and one blue bloom.

I noticed to day that a few phlox are still trying to hang in there. The spent bloom buds make a great looking texture.

This is the blue bell, creeping bellflower, that people tell me to banish from my garden. I haven't had an invasive problem because it is planted in very bad soil. I do have a creaping charley as you can see in the background. The bellflower grows in another area but I keep it mowed down to control it.

Walmart had these on sale for half price. I try to plant some every year no matter what. I plan to share some of the daffodils with the neighbor lady. I and she plant her flowers together as her health isn't great for working in the soil. I let her boss and we get the stuff planted. I am probably headed south again today to work on the house. We have rain coming late evening and colder weather also, but maybe we can squeeze in planting the bulbs tomorrow. Thanks for reading.....


  1. Your wife may be the best apple pie maker in the "New World" but my mother was the best in the "Old World".

  2. I never was a very good apple pie maker, but, my cherry pies were the greatest! ; ) Enjoy the apple pie, reading about it is making my mouth water.

    It is great that you help out your neighbor planting her garden. I have a flower garden in the front of my house by the walk that my neighbor planted and helps me care for. You guys are the greatest!

  3. It's always fascinating to see seed/bulb packets from another country. They're like little works of art.

  4. I LOVE the smell of Hyacinth. My daughters wedding and reception hall was filled with them. It was heavenly!

  5. It is bulb planting time once again! I am super excited. The nice thing about blogging we can look back on our spring entries and remember what was needed to be planted.
    Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my blog. You will never know how much your kindness means to me.

    I LOVE YOUR Photos on the latest entries. FABULOUS.... You are totally thinking 'outside of the box'.

  6. I need to plant a few more daffodils and tulips too. I have tons in my yard, but every fall, I like to stick some new ones in to wait for in the spring.
    My garden is very sad now...all full of leaves and dead things...I need to get out this coming week and trim down and dead head everything. I always have so much more enthusiasm in the spring to do the this time of year I have had enough of them. ha How ungrateful of me, right???

  7. Do your apples get worms in them? Ours look so good, but when we cut into some of them, Yuck! I hate to spray them.
    I like those bellflowers and haven't had any problems with them in my yard either. I'm getting ready to get some bulbs planted here too.

  8. I sprayed mine, but the guys at the green house said I started too late. I guess also I need to spry them with a dormant spray and spray the ground to kill all the leftover insects and worms from the previous year. Even with spraying, small sprayer, I have only a third of them that are good.
