Saturday, October 3, 2009

Down time at the dog show....

The dogs work hard at the dog show for their owners but at any time they could find, they take time off to be just a dog. They love their owners and want to please them but the day is long so they just rest. Retrievers are great at relaxing.
The sheltie collie must go to lots of different shows as this dog just took a nap and ignored all the people, other dogs and noise.
This little guy loves his owner and hung close to him while peaking through his legs.


  1. You certainly had a good time at that dog show. You capture the looks on the dogs faces so well - and interpret them pretty good as well.

  2. I guess I should have checked your profile page a bit closer. I didn't know you had this blog. I will be visiting it often.

    I like the last picture, with the owner dressed in black and white to match his cute little dog. I like watching the dog shows when they show them on TV. It is amazing how they behave so well among all those other dogs.

  3. What sweet dogs! They do look very relaxed like they're used to it. My poor dog would be a nervous wreck.
