Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday's findings

I have never felt to badly about feeding these guys. Some people get really mad. I guess I can't win as the more that I feed them the more that they can eat.  Take for example at how fat this guy is. I know that I won't be accused of the death of this guy because he starved to death.  He loves the corn that I feed him and his companion at the front of the house.  But fresh sunflower seeds are like dessert.

I have three of them in total. We loose a lot of them by car/squirrel collisions during the summer so it is nice to have a few of them around.  The amazing thing is my very smart border collie, is just short enough that he can't see him sitting in the middle of the tray, so he can get by with a lot.  Once he moves too much, he has a dog on his tail.

My wife and I escaped yesterday to the bookstore. We bought a few things, and coffee and scones.  I found a book about old porcelain and pottery that showed the symbols and markings on the back of the different items.  I read about the mark of Occupied Japan and I found one on the back of an animal shaped planter.  I can't quite figure ot the company name and the other is hard to read.

I am sure that the antique dealers have most of these memorized if they plan on making money.  I can tell the mark above is right about it being semi vitreous, as you can see all the crazing of the glaze. I need to look up Francaise to see what kind of company it is. I found the book very interesting and did find a lot of plates in there that we have in the cupboard.  One of the plates, from a farm sale box, is called Indian Tree.  We have five of them I believe and they are selling for $18 dollars a piece.  I don't have them for the investment, I just like the oriental theme and we eat rice dishes off of them.

I was disappointed not to find any mark on this piece from our buffet, but I really do like the decoration on it.  It is maybe an old hat pin holder, but it had no marking on it.  Well, I am glad their are books out there that can help to identify them, I don't plan to get too excited about it, I just thought it was a new interesting thing to explore.

I hope all are well out there.  I will shut down for another time.  Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Your squirrel is a cute little guy and a well fed chubby one too. I don't mind feeding them either, but it becomes a problem when my Lab thinks they are there for his personal pleasure. Sadly he has caught two of them. Now I have to stand sentry duty whenever the dog is outside to make sure my chubby friends get enough to eat at my outdoor diner.

  2. That squirrel needs a treadmill! Our mini dachshund hates squirrels but as short as she is, once the squirrel jumps a foot off the ground to a tree, she loses them!
    I love the floral pattern piece you featured. The Oriental plates you mention sound great for rice dishes too. We have a lot of Italian pottery, nothing particularly valuable, we just like the basket weave patterns with hand made roses - our collection started with a dish my great grandma gave my parents for a wedding gift. We found an identical one on ebay that still had a Woolworth's price sticker from the late 1940's - $2.99!!!!! I enjoyed this post very much. Hope you two have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Lovely find, Larry, and by a great coincidence I was reading about porcelain yesterday. Chinese porcelain rather than Japanese, in a really interesting book called 'Vermeer's Hat', by Canadian historian Timothy Brook. I recommend it - it's about world trade and cultural exchange in the 17th Century.

  4. LOL! I'm laughing at Mildreds comment! My dachshund hates squirrels too. She can sit at the bottom of a tree for hours looking for a squirrel to show himself.

  5. I think your squirrel needs to call Jenny Craig! Ha-ha!
    I'm pretty sure your planter is Maruhon Ware, I had a creamer with a similar stamp. I love pottery and your floral piece is very pretty.
    Have a good weekend.
    Sunny :)

  6. Hi Larry. We don't have any squirrels around here, but I'm sure I'd feed them in a flash.

  7. He's a little tub !
    I love squirrels, but they are so destructive and now I see where they get their reputation after eating my potting shed vent, right out of the wall last week.
    Lovely pottery, I'm not sure what the stamp is though.

  8. Fox squirrels in iowa? Hmmm We have grey and black squirrels around here as well as red and fox. Fox squirrels are not as common this close to the lakeshore. I personally love em. they are cute and fun to watch. but other folks around here don't find them as endearing when they get into trouble.

  9. The squirrels are cute. I'm sure they will stick around as long as you feed them. Enjoy their little antics as long as you can.

    Have a great week-end.

  10. Gee one of those would make a meal! We have a huge grey squirrel that visits our feeder..drives Chance of the best meals I ever ate as a kids was a squirrel on a spit above a campfire:)

  11. I always feel so bad for the squirrels! They're adorable. Also, if we don't toss some bread out now and then and leave corn for them, they look for food in our roof. Then they're not so cute.

  12. LOVE the squirrel pictures!
