Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday's findings......

This plant was at the botanical center.  It is actually a shrub and it's name is "Yesterday, today, and tomorrow."  I only go by the common name as I haven't had the master gardener classes to learn proper terminology.

Here is the shrub with it's flowers.  I think it is an interesting one that probably only grows in the tropical zones, or at lease lower zones than I live in anyway.

A two story waterfall is built into the one end of the dome.  It is nice to go to the top and see the water feature with fish and also the top view of the jungle below.  The pool is connected to the koi stream so you can watch them traveling from one end to the other.

The place is so humid that one feels wet while you are there.  It is great for all the ferns, palms, and other trees.   Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. I've heard of that first plant but have never seen it. Thanks for the photos. As a woman, those humid climates really do a number on hairstyles!!!!!!!

  2. I have been busy the last couple of days and haven't been by for my daily visit, so today I am catching up. What a wonderful idea to visit the gardens and enjoy a bit of summer in winter. The pictures are lovely in all the posts I missed. I love the one with the rockin' chair at the end of the room. Thanks for always coming by and leaving me such nice encouraging comments. I really do appreciate them.


  3. The five flowers with each having five petals looks beautiful.I like the blue colored flowers. The name is a strange one. Nice place to visit.

  4. LOVE that waterfall! I love waterfalls of all kinds for some reason. They seem like a complete ART in themselves. Have you ever painted a picture of a waterfall? That could be an idea.

  5. A very pretty spring color.. and a nice waterfall too! :)
