Saturday, March 6, 2010

Get a bucket and put this in.....

The things that I want to put in my bucket before I die, my gardener life bucket,  is to create a few bonsai successfully.  I have never tried it but have books about it.
This was a bonsai at the Botanical center that was being kept outside, but in a moderately protected area. They kept it above freezing in the area.

This jade plant was kept in a heated greenhouse and would never be able to be put into cold temps.

This is another tree in the out of doors climate.  It's moss was actually staying quite green.

One other thing that I would like to put into my bucket is trying to grow these fancy tulips.  I don't even know if they would repeat bloom another year, but I would like to try them. I also want to get some Rembrandt tulips and Parrot tulips.   My bucket will be full.
Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. I have always been fascinated by Bonsai, although I've never tried to create one. My thumbs are not green at all!
    Those tulips are really beautiful, I would never guess that's what they were.
    Sunny :)

  2. Bonsai are amazing, and it would be fun to try. I can see why you would want to grow that lovely, fancy tulip too. It's too warm down here to grow tulips. :-(

    Fill up your bucket and enjoy.


  3. I've never seen tulips like that before, they are gorgeous!

  4. Those are gorgeous. I think it would be a great hobby. It is amazing how those bonsais have been created and developed like that. It takes a special talent and lots of patience.

  5. The tulip color is like eye-candy, especially after all this snow this winter! My uncle gave his daughter a could of small bonsai trees, and she kept them pretty good in her kitchen window. Looked like a fun place to visit.

  6. You can grow those tulips Larry..I had some fancy ruffled ones..the deer at them. Bonsai is an art..but you should be able to do it! :)

  7. I have always been amazed at how lovely Bonsai are. I understand it takes quite a few years to grow one like in the first picture. I have tried buying the little pine tree kind, but they never did good for me. But, I dearly love looking at them. And the Tulip is beautiful..

  8. Well, start with the tulips..they are almost no maintenance, so you have a good chance at success. ha
    The bonsai? Well, it is a lot of is so fussy about the exact amount of watering...good luck with that dream. We failed miserably because we had the audacity to go on vacation once. ha
