Friday, April 2, 2010

Another Spring Report......

Daffodil row at my house. I have a close shot of this showing it to be an unusual flower. It doesn't have the horn shape but has a yellow set of inside petals.

The inside is a set of yellow petals and the white standard petals of a regular daffodil are on the outside. I have had these for awhile but I don't think they have ever looked like this before, and yet maybe it was never nice enough for me to see them before with the warm weather.

These are normal daffodils.  I had planted a lot for my mom down at the Osceola house.  Last summer I dug up a few bunches of them and brought them home. I left the foliage on them and just planted them back into the ground immediately.  It is nice that they bloomed for me.

The field lilies are up and at them.  I could show you another picture now that they have grown about two inches since I took this photo.

We will be getting rain part of Friday and some on Saturday.  We had another day of 81 degrees so we will definitely have storms.  The cold air in the northwest will meet up with this wedge of heat and we will get lots of rain. I know it will make our grass turn green and the bulb plants will go crazy.  Thanks for stopping by ...........


  1. Any way these flowers are beautiful
    thx for nice pic.

  2. Wow. It looks like spring has broken loose in Iowa. 81? It was 86 here today. We broke a record of 85. Feast or famine, never a dull moment.

  3. We had another nice day as well. Jack picked some daffodils from along the roadside for me today. I'd like to say that was his idea, but he actually mimicked our son who picked some for his girlfriend. ;D Oh well, it was still nice.

  4. Wonderful! You are ahead of us on the growth of the daffodils...ours are just poking up now.
    But yesterday we had 78 degrees and today 77 and tons of sun...loving it...but we need rain here, it is very dry.

  5. They are just beautiful!
    I love those two colors, and the foliage looks so lush and green.
    Can't wait for the pictures of the field lilies, how exciting !

  6. I love daffodils. Yours are so pretty. I am loving this warm weather and all the blossoms and blooms that are sprouting.

  7. My daffodils will soon be drowned if this rain continues.
    I like the top picture very much, and was trying to identify the leaves on the plant in front of the daffodils.

  8. Those leaves in front are tulip leaves. It is an inexpensive bulb so the leaves don't get very large or look very healthy.

  9. What pretty daffodils, I really like the first unusual one. Nice to have memories from your Mom's garden in yours.
