Saturday, April 3, 2010

More Greening of Iowa.......

This is called many things.  Some people hate it but I love it. If fills in areas where I can't get anything else to grow. Snow on the mountain is one of its names and goutweed is another of it's names. It is coming up quickly with our two warm days and rain today.

Daffodils are pretty perky considering how dead every thing else is around it. I have coneflowers planted around it and a surprise lily is sending up it's foliage in the background.

This will be the third year for this rhubard in this location.  I planted it for use and also for landscaping as it does work well for filler.  I have three of them planted next to a pear tree and it looks like shrubs planted in a row.

Our neighbor removed a row of junky trees that kept us from seeing any sunrises.  The trees are gone and you can see a rolling hill in the background that use to be planted in corn.  We now can see the old 48 Pontiac parked out there along a property line.  It belongs to the farm and not to the neighbor with the garage.  I wanted you to see the green we are having from our half inch of rain.
Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. Nice pictures! Hurray for the removal of the junky trees! Sunsets are much nicer!

  2. I can't believe how green and blooming everything is especially after all the snow you had.
    Our snow is finally gone except a few patches out in the woods. My Crocus finally popped up today, I think I'll post them for Easter.
    Wishing you and your wife a Blessed Easter.
    Sunny :)

  3. Amazing what a few days of warm temperatures and a little rain can do for the landscape. I bet you are glad to have an open view now. Happy Easter Larry. I hope you have a blessed holiday.

  4. I can just about taste Rhubarb Pie!
    That Bishop's Goutweed is a good filler..I used to plant some bright Orange Marigold in with mine for a spot of color in sunny areas! It is not fussy about it's water or light:) !
