Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday Scatterings.......

A bunny convention on Easter morning.  My wife's collection I stumbled onto when I was putting away one last Christmas dish in the buffet today.

I do love a sale on garden books.  I don't need this book but I couldn't resist it either. It has a few good ideas in it and one great idea in it.

I bought this book so I could hang onto the fence design that is shown here. If I were ever to move to a new place, I will build this fence in part of the garden.

Here it is again with a great rose bush in front of it.

I like this garden scene but I could never have it unless I moved to some southern state that receives rain fall regularly.  Some summers in Iowa it would be brown grass and no water in the pond.  We were  80's yesterday and Saturday morning it was 35 degrees.  Rain and hail predicted on Monday as the cold air from Montana snows will give us some good hot and cold mixtures.

I found my ice cream container, antique one for sure, that holds some more of a certain collection I blogged about earlier.  The container was not new when I got it  in 1970.  It is a  heavy cardboard with no wax coating, which means it was probably the 40's or 50's when freezer were available for people to buy bulk ice cream.  They couldn't keep it in an ice box, but maybe they could.  I have never thought about that before now.

I will show the contents later as this is just a teaser.

I do not know why this loaded sideways, but you can catch an idea of what the lid looks like.  Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Happy Easter to you and your wife.
    Love the bunnies!
    Sunny :)

  2. I could read a book like that for hours... the pictures do give all sorts of ideas. It's a great fence, I hope you get to build one.

  3. I like garden books -- dreaming material! You have much more green than we do... 80's wow.... Happy Easter!

  4. Those garden pictures are inspiring!

  5. That is one fancy fence Larry! It is beautiful..and those Roses are pretty good looking too! I had not thought of those Ice Cream containers in years....I remember them in the late 50' brother and I used to uncoil the paper that it was made out!
    Happy Easter to you and Della! :)
