Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday, Monday, so good to me....

Did you notice that I didn't use the lyric "can't trust that day"?

These daffodils are hanging out under my pin oak tree at the other end of the property. They have multiplied since they have been planted for a couple of years.

My pet wild rabbit did a number on two of my burning bushes.  The snow was deep so it ate at the higher levels and then as the snow melted it keep eating at the lower levels.  I don't think it will kill them but I haven't seen buds yet.   I did try to keep bird seed out there for the rabbit and corn but I guess they need vegetable matter in their diet too.

My fern leaf peonies survived in two places.  I lost one other planting, unless it is slower because it was setting under a snow drift. I brought this home from my parents home and this is it's second year of survival. 

As a teaser for those who are interested, I have more shots to take of the rest of this collection of war toy soldiers and vehicles. Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. Love those self-propagating flowers. They are like gifts you didn't expect. Love your soldier collection, L.D. I look forward to more.

  2. I had the same thing happen to my burning bushes a few years back. They are pretty hardy and mine came around without problem. Hopefully yours will too. They are such beautiful sights in the fall when they turn to that brilliant red.

  3. Hi Larry, It is really nice to see Spring growth in your yard and I love your summer photo in the sidebar of your lovely home. We have burning bushes also and they are always very slow to put on growth. I don't think I've ever seen a fern leaf peony. They look very pretty and I know you treasure those. I hope you'll share photos of the blooms. Thanks for the new photos of the figures - my husband and brother are fascinated with your collection.

  4. I take daily walks all over our property this time of year to see what is sprouting or growing. Every day I see something is just great!! Today we are down in Kenosha Wisconsin visiting my daughter, husband and grandkids and it was in the 70's and sunny....the kids flew Easter kites for hours the wind was marvelous! Ahhhhh...spring!! Gotta LOVE it!

  5. I hope your burning bush comes back...mine is blooming now....I would think yours should have some buds on them by now. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  6. Oh yours will year put some chicken wire around it for the winter..but the bunnies have to eat too..and it is nice of you to share! Your Fern Leaf Peony which I am already coveting ..looks great! Far Guy and I like the toys too! :)

  7. We are a rabbit haven for some reason this year... the damage to magnolias has been severe in several cases... maybe it was time to prune anyway! LC

  8. Ooo I hope the burning bush thrives... if it does, please publish a picture. I lost mine several years ago and it was never replaced. Went round the garden this morning checking on all the new life. Even though it's cold and miserable the blossoms brighten the day.
