Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Covered Bridges.......


Digging through my mom's photos I found these that were taken by my brother Rex from California.  My dad passed away in 2000 and from one of the photos it shows my brother taking his daughter and my mom to see some of the bridges in Madison County, Iowa.  My dad passed away in March and he could of taken her to see these at that time, but my mom was so sick from taking care of my dad his last days.  From another photo, it says they were taking in March, so it must have been after my dad's funeral.  I didn't remember ever hearing of this excursion but my brother was good about taking off and doing things like this especially with my mom being sick as can be.  It is about a hour from where my mom and dad lived and it is my mom's county that she was born in 1919.


Here they are at another bridge, my mom is with her granddaughter Kristi who lives in Kansas City.  I don't know why he didn't take any side views of any of these bridges but there are not any among the pile. I really don't know which bridge was used to make the movie "The Bridges of Madison County." I can look it up but I bet someone out there knows which bridge it was that was the famous one.

This photo made me feel good as I see my brother is still trying to figure out his digital camera, and he didn't get a great picture.  I like it though as I like seeing the inside structure of this bridge.

I also found this photo in the pile.  My brother and two other guys own a company that make trailers for dune buggies, motorcycles and many other custom trailers.  This little guy is one of their gems that they make.  They are the only ones in the United States that make them and if you see one here in the US of A it came from my brothers company in California.  These devices tell you have fast you are going and they are only a speed moderator as they have no camera's on them to record who you are.  They really are there to scare you.  My brother had to design a device for them to lock up the wheels with an eight foot rod as when they were first sold,  people would drive up, connect them to their truck hitch and steal them.

We are having strange weather but normal weather.  We were up to76 degrees with high humidity and across the state cold air from the north, Minnesota and Canada came roaring in. Across the state they had 41 degrees.  When those two air masses rub together, we have tornadoes, hail or very high winds.  It all stayed east of us but we had to run the air conditioner in our car today as it was so extremely hot and humid and when we got into the  car to come home we had to turn the heater on to warm up the car.

Iowa, love it or leave it!!!!   Thanks for checking in today......


  1. I love the bridge photos. I am glad you did not have severe weather where you are.

  2. What a nice set of photos. I remember "discovering" covered bridges when I was researching for the "Fat Dog" travels in California. As for Iowa, I'm beginning to love it. As I have never been there in my life : you and your fellow Iowa bloggers must be to blame.

  3. I love covered bridges. They are remarkable structures. We are having much the same weather. Good old typical Midwest type changes. Hot and humid one day and freezing the next.

  4. What lovely photos !
    I have a fondness for covered bridges, they have their own characters, or so it seems.
    it's going to be a crazy 80 degrees here today, Thursday down in the 30's at night, isn't all so very strange?
    Thanks for sharing your pictures, a lovely memory for you.

  5. That is strange weather! What wonderful family photos. I love reading the stories behind them.

  6. That was really nice of your brother to take your mum on that excursion. Am I the only person in the world not to have read/seen the film 'The Bridges of Madison County'?

    So interesting about the speed warning signs.
