Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday's tidbits........

A small branch of my forsythia bush has a few blooms on it. The rest of the bush has not started to bloom.

As a bonus while picking the forsythia blooms I found this sprouting start of a branch stuck in the ground.  I brought it and put it in a flower pot for now.

Hey I wore a tie to church Easter Sunday.  I haven't worn one for some time.  My wife and I teach in the Asian Ministry and we were encouraged to dress down, to not dress up for the teaching of class.  So I quit wearing a tie ever to church.  The coat and the shirt is new, and the collar size fit well so the tie worked well.      Thanks for stopping by.............


  1. I love forsythia. It is just about at its peak here in GA. Just this weekend, we shared some "rootings" with our neighbor. My next post after the golden retrievers will have all of our spring blossoms on it. Hope you can visit then.
    Your coat and tie look very nice. Hope you enjoyed Easter Sunday very much.

  2. Forsythia is always such a welcome sign that spring is finally coming!

  3. Forsythia is always one of my favorites to see blooming, it sure seems to mean Spring is on the way!

  4. Hey...! The tie looks great!

    We are having winter here in Vancouver now. It was almost summer during the *cough* Winter Olympics.

    Go figure!

  5. My Forsythia is open and looks lovely, a breath of the spring that is yet to descend.
    Hubs sent some pics of Puffing Billy, if you want to have a look.

  6. You clean up good. I like the look. Looks nice.

  7. I have been admiring all the Forsythia in bloom around the neighbor's gardens, just beautiful!
    What a gorgeous bloom yours has produced.
    You look very 'smart' in your new togs :)

  8. A tie..and a very good looking one at that! My forsythia has not bloomed in ten years..I figure it probably won't this year either. You will do great with that shoot..it is a good start! :)
