Friday, April 30, 2010

Crazy, just plain crazy......

The year was 1967, the fall of my senior year, and the pressure was on.  Our class had won the float contest the last three years, and this was our senior year. I had helped design the float.  Snoopy was usually fighting the Red Baron trying to shoot him down during the war and this time he was shooting down Russell High School in the big Homecoming game.  You can see  the bullet holes in the side of his house. I now see we forgot to put on the airplane wings to the dog house. I really don't remember if we won the game, but they were a smaller school than us.  Our class with 29 members did win the float contest.
As a side not Russell was closed down a few years back because it school got too small.

In a 1937 country school textbook I found this. It is the illustration for our  prehistory. The rino has two natives stuck up in a tree. They are going to have to use those clubs to get anything to eat.

This is my computer monitor before I found the right connector to my laptop computer. This is a photo of last years cactus at my neighbors house. There were no greens but lots of red and purples. Best Buy sold me a connector with a vega end to give me correct feedback to the new screen. My new monitor is an ACER and it is an LCD screen. It is better than the original one on the old laptop.

This is my neighbors flowering crab apple tree.  I remember when it was planted by a previous owner 20 years ago or more, as he got it free from a bank promotion.  The present neighbor had to cut the back half of it down as the storms took out a major one third of it.  This is what my new monitor looks like now.

As a last bit of craziness, my cousin has found an article on the internet that was from the newspaper the Osceola Democrat dated Jan 9, 1908:
Mrs. Thos. Turner grew a lemon on her dwarf lemon tree, measuring 11 inches around one way and 10 inches around the other way.
WoW!!  She would have been my Great Grandmother Sarah Turner, married to Thomas Turner of Murray, Iowa.  Thanks to my first cousin Joan Callison of Murray, Iowa for this little bit of news. She and George Washington liked growing citrus fruit.

Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. What a potpourri of memories. Glad your screen is now OK, that purple tint could get a bit too much after a time.

  2. Oh that purple was too much, glad you got it fixed! I bet you are still seeing purple! That was a great little bit of info about your Great Grandma! :)

  3. Love that flowering crab is gorgeous!
