Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday's stuff........

I brought in wild sweet William to my garden years ago.  This has been a bad year for it, as it barely put out any blooms.

The yew shrubs are shooting out new growth also. I am trying to prune it into a shape, but I don't have much experience with it.

More illustrations from the 1937 history book from a country school.  I noticed in the reading that it was clear to explain how the rich went to dame's school while the rest went to common country school.

This is an illustration depicting the Indians in our country.  They do have the birchbark house correct but the clothing is very stylized.  I haven't spent a lot of time reading it but do find some interesting comments that certainly were not politically correct.

Cost  $ .67

Here is the label found in the front cover of the book.  I have one person who wrote his name in the book. I will post about that later.  He ended up living down the street from my parents here in Osceola.
Thanks for stopping by......


  1. Don't you just love the way chance details of chance findings can give rise to the most fascinating posts.

  2. What a great mixture of history in your posts just now. From recent to fading-from-memory.

    Your winter must have been challenging to several plants.
