Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday's things........

I bet you thought you were looking down a path in New England, but it is our underdeveloped alley. I snapped the lilac and thought you could pretend you were someplace more exotic than Woodward, Iowa.

I found my Grandmother's old cookbook, but while digging for Sepia photos, I found two other cookbooks of hers.  They were spiral notebooks and she has put every kind of recipe in there that she has found in newspapers or magazines. Also some of the relatives, who are all gone, have their recipes recorded.  They are given proper credit at the top.  We found my Great grandmother's sugar cookie recipe in there. We are going to have to make them to see if the compare as good as everyone else's grandma's sugar cookies.

I just thought I would share some other pages.  It is the first time I have seen these and I had to go looking for clues to see who had owned them.  It is really going back in history when I see some of the things she has either stowed or glued down on the pages with wallpaper paste.

As a teaser to my readers, I found another country school book . It is an old one that explains things in a very traditional and biased manner.  They had not heard of "politically correct words.   I will show later more illustrations and share some text.  It is a third or fourth grade history book of prehistory, colonial times, and Indians.  We now of course know they are talking about Native American Indians.
It is an interesting piece of history in itself.  Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. I love the first photo. Lillacs do not grow here due to the heat. But I have heard of a new hybrid. Larry, I never know which of your blogs to follow. Two are so interchangeable.

  2. Love the pic down the lane, Larry. Very charming and inviting. I bet those lilacs are as fragrant as all get out. Enjoy them. :-D

  3. The scene looking down the alley is very pretty. My husband grew up in MI and speaks frequently of the alley behind the house he grew up in. I don't recall any alleys behind the houses here in the south.
    One of my favorite hobbies is collecting old cookbooks. You have found some real treasures in your grandmother and great grandmothers' recipes. Occasionally I'll buy an old cookbook at an antique store and little bits and pieces of magazines and scraps of paper with recipes are tucked between the pages. Let us know how those sugar cookies taste!

  4. You may consider your alley "underdeveloped," but I think it's pretty perfect!

  5. I love the photo of your alley. It's very inviting.

    That recipe book and collection is a real treasure. I would love to know if you run across any unusual cake know..something that's not common today.

  6. Wow you have found something very neat --- happpy snooping!

  7. Great looking alley! I am sure the Lilac perks up the view! Those cookbooks are great..they are real treasures! Especially the handwritten notes and recipes! :)
