Monday, May 10, 2010

Garden things......

We didn't have a freeze or frost on my block yesterday. I did cover some new plants that I had transplanted and some agapanthus that I had brought out from the basement.  The Knock Out rose was picked out by my wife as a plant to go in or near her planting area.  I want it to be in view so she can see it every time she goes out to get into the car.

This is a stock photo that I am reusing.  I just wanted to report on how well the hosta transplanting had gone.  It was wimpy plants the first day but by two days in they were all standing up straight ready to grow.  I didn't trim back any leaves as was suggested by a garden show person and they seem to do ok with out it.  I am keeping them damp and watching them closely.

I would like to plant something else among these allium's. I know that hosta would eventually crowd it out.  If anyone has any ideas, just let me know. A smaller low blooming plant that isn't too evasive probably would be good.  I actually have a little vinca in there, but it is so wimpy as a bloomer.
Thanks for stopping by.....

I screwed up and double posted on my Larry's Photo a Day.  The ceramic cat posting was intended for over here, but I have been under the weather a little and the mind didn't keep up with what my body was doing.   


  1. You don't have to apologise for double posting, your posts are always worth a second read. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling so good.
    Sounds like you had good success with dividing the hosta. It surely is beautiful.
    This is another great shot of the allium and the gazing ball. Do you think Lamb's Ear would work planted among the allium (staychs byzantina)?

  3. I'm sure your wife is going to love her knock out rose. It is a lovely color. Love your alliums.

    Enjoy your week ~ FlowerLady

  4. Take it easy for a bit, Larry. You're always on the go. Sit and enjoy your flowers - if the frost will let you.

  5. How thoughtful to think of it being in view whenever she goes into the car! Loved that!

  6. I like your Allium Garden just the way it is..especially with the gazing ball...your Knock out roses are going to be be very pretty:)
