Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Outside review........

Metal flamingo attacks blue ball while smelling the allium. I have over shot pictures of the allium but before the storm I thought I would get a few last shots just in case they get destroyed by hail.  The sculpture was a gift and is one of my favorites. I didn't ever want to shell out a lot of bucks for the pink ones but I like seeing others in their yards.

Hopeful to see my first actual rose blooming when it warms up enough for the rose to fee comfortable.

The burning bush is putting out flowers and I don't remember but I bet there will be berries. It certainly is glad winter is over and they have grown a lot despite the rabbits trimming their lower branches.

The phlox is coming up strong along with the transplanted flag iris. You can see the hostas in the background.

Thanks for stopping by........ I guess I become a gardening blog for a season as I have lots of things to share from the outside.  Weeds and all, as it is too cold to go out and clean up the garden.


  1. I'm enjoying seeing all your different plants. I don't blame you for getting all the pics you can before the rain/hail. The metal sculpture is very unique and I love it! This house had 2 burning bushes when we moved here 8 years ago. They do have orange/red berries and our yard helper was amazed to see that we have "baby" burning bushes coming up all over. I love free plants!

  2. I think you need a vacation, Sweetheart...

  3. that flamingo statue ROCKS!! I love it!

  4. Yeah! Plants and flowers and lovely stuff. Thanks.

  5. I enjoy seeing your garden. It inspires me to do more with mine. I like your blue gazing ball and personally I prefer your metal flamingo to the plastic pink ones. For some reason those fake pink birds make me cringe when I see them.

  6. I enjoy all your flowers Larry..it is OK to talk about them..as soon as I get some flowers to talk about..I will be joining you! We are what we are..flower nerds:)
