Sunday, May 23, 2010

Let's take a walk.......

I was called on the phone by the neighbor lady and she asked me to take some pictures for her.  She wanted me to send them to her via email and then she would forward them to relatives.  On the way out of my gate I took this photo, weeds and all.

I won't share all the photos right now that I took for her, but she is the one with the hybrid irises.  She is part Lakota Indian so she likes to decorate her yard with various things to honor her roots.  The wolves sit in her front yard and we can see them from out back yard.  I told her she needs to light them at night and get a tape of wolves howling to play at night.

On my way over to her house I snapped a shot of this shrub.  It's name is not in my memory banks right now.  It is a beautiful yellow and green.

My neighbor's house is on a lot that faces the street but her back yard is a 20 acre farm.  Her late husband worked on different things and the tractor sits there still today, ready for the engine to be installed.  It sits next to some new grape vines that she was showing me.

Judy's flower bed surrounds her Lakota Sioux flag pole.  I have close up shots of her irises that I will show later.  I took her some of our rhubarb cobbler and she looked very pleased about that.

Have a great day. It will be hot in Iowa for the next few days. Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. Judy is lucky to have you two as neighbors. Don't you know she is proud to share your pictures of her yard with family via email? I think your shrub is golden euonymous but I'm not sure. I can't believe how realistic Judy's wolves are - your idea to light them and play howling sounds would certainly liven up Halloween night wouldn't it? ha I know she enjoyed you and your wife sharing the rhubarb cobbler. What type of grapes is she growing and will she make jam?

  2. LD, Weeds? I see no weeds! I see a wonderfully composed picture. As always I enjoy all your pictures but I must ask, will you be doing the tractor shot in sepia? In my minds eye I think it would be outstanding. - G

  3. Great photos. I enjoyed the tractor shot. It is captured nicely. Old farm machinery and barns are especially interesting photo material to me.

  4. Great Pics Larry. Oh! And thanks for commenting on my blog. I don't comment on every blog in my favorites, but that doeasn't mean I don't check them out daily! I especially loved teh lawnmower /sears story. Great Fun!

  5. Can't wait to see the closeups of the Iris's ..I am smitten by them!

  6. I think we will have to call her the Iris Lady! Come visit me too..bring the cobbler! You can knock yourself out taking photos of my weeds making them look good:)

  7. I just had to stop back by and tell you John and I just returned from the grocery store. Can you believe they are selling rhubarb for $4.99/lb??? I was telling John about you and your wife making cobbler. He remembers as a kid back in Detroit, MI that the neighbor boy's mom would let them just pull it and chew on it as a snack! $4.99/lb!!!!!!!
