Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Self Portrait again...........

As you view the blue ball and see this short fat guy in the reflection, remember the ball is distorting my body.  I really am six foot tall and slender.   NOT!!!!  I did like this creative shot and wanted to share it with you.  The older the allium plants became, the darker the colors they developed.

My fernleaf plants are almost totally done for the season.  The cold weather actually made them last longer but the wind last night had to finish off the loose petals.

You know I have a point and shoot digital camera and I have to sing and dance to pull any good shots, but I still go through and read the digital camera books at the bookstore.  For the first time I read from a professional photographer, that there is a special lens filter that you need to use just for the color red.  One needs to have a lens that would fit the filter which mine would not qualify.  I am glad I can keep finding out about the secrets of the digital world.

With all the red glaring at you I thought your eyes needed a rest on these columbine leaves.  This particular plant has it's stem snapped off so it won't bloom this year.  Eleven months is a long time to wait for it's return.

I walked the dog today wearing  my stocking cap and winter coat and I was still chilled when I got back into the house.  This is freakish weather.   Thanks for stopping by............


  1. Such lovely reds, and then the green appears almost mint-colored !
    The gazing ball gives the same reflection as the house of crazy mirrors at the carnival, I've tried to make it show how slim I am , but failed.
    You are correct, the weather is quite bazaar !

  2. I agree the weather is strange! Your Gazing ball is a great reflector..I am really tall too LOL..
    Reds are very hard to photograph as are dark purples and hot dark pinks. I have found that the light and the time of day are huge factors.. do some experimenting at different times of the day! :)

  3. Lovely pictures. And I suspect I need one of those garden balls to similarly transpose me from my current shape.

  4. Hello Larry, You made me laugh talking about your reflection in the gazing ball! It's a shame about the wind and cold weather moving back in on you. Your pictures of the plants are so nice. Hope it warms up soon.

  5. I have Columbine growing by the pond, just waiting for the flowers now. Love your gazing ball, I am currently trying to convince Hubby to buy me one for my birthday.

  6. Great shots L.D. even the one with the photographer in the gazing ball. I've caught myself in ours a time or two also. That allium looks wonderful next to the gazing ball and your red blooms look great. It is hard to capture the reds, but I think you are doing a great job.


  7. Oh! You should have worn the stocking hat in the self portrait reflection! Now THAT would be a good photo. hahahaaa
