Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Plant Report for Thursday.......

My first iris bloom for the season.  It has many buds on it so it should put out a lot of nice color for me. I have two other plants that are showing buds also.

I have pulled one of these off of the one rhubarb plant.  It going to seed already and to keep it going you have to pull it out of the center of the plant.  I have three very strong plants this year with a lot of growth.

It hasn't been warm enough to help this new iris to form any buds.  It may not, even though I bought it in a pot as a somewhat mature plant.  If not this year, it will bloom next year for sure.

I hope you are having a good week.  It has been so rainy that it makes it almost depressing.  We have been fortunate not to get severe storms but we have had a lot of rain.  I guess it makes the grass grow, even if it is only 50 degrees.   Thanks for stopping by............


  1. What a pretty iris. I have never seen a rhubarb plant - very interesting. I hope you see some bright sunshine soon!

  2. You iris is lovely, I can't believe how slow we are here in the east - ha!
    It's been down right cold here and rainy...the grass is happy!
    Sunny :)

  3. P.S. I keep forgetting to tell you that I enjoy your coffee cups each week. This one is very handsome and the Snoopy one was very whimsical.

  4. The color of that Iris is amazing! Your garden is way ahead of ours here! My Iris doesn't usually bloom until mid June here.

  5. Seems to be a year for seeding rhubarb. I've never known mine set seed so early. It must be thinking summer's not going to get here so it had better get a move on and perpetuate the species.
