Friday, May 14, 2010


In spite of all of the wind and storms the one sole blooming iris holds it own, standing tall and solid.

My neighbor has a larger variety of iris and this is her first bloom of the season. She has many different colors in her iris bed and I will share them as they bloom.

A hollyhock study  as they are starting to take off with great speed.  I think this is a first year plant so I won't see blooms on this until next year.

We spent some time working on the house yesterday and we are seeing some success. We have a major mural project to start here at home, so we will be getting the painting surface prepared and ready for sketching the picture on the board.   My wife and I will do this painting together.  I will log the progress and share it once we get it completed. 
Thanks for stopping by.........Friday is here, hooray!


  1. I'll be anxious to follow you and your wife's progress on the mural project and it will be lovely to see your neighbor's colorful irises too. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Great share of the Iris today Larry! I wanted you to know I added you to my blog roll over at as one of the gardens that Inspire!

    Looking forward to continuing to watch your garden grow.

  3. Beautiful Iris! The mural that the one that will be in your town..I can't remember where you center? It sounded like a great will be great to see your progress:)

  4. It's a beautiful Iris. For whatever reason it made me think of the old song, 'I'm a lonely little Petunia in an onion patch'.
    Don't work too hard!
    Happy weekend.

  5. A mural? Can't wait to see it! Will it be outdoors on a fence or inside???
