Saturday, December 4, 2010

First Christmas card arrived.........

We received our first Christmas card already.  It is from my niece Stacey and her husband Eric who live in Ohio.  Their four kids range in age from 15 years old to 8 years old and they are very busy in sports activities and cub scouts.

The bottom photo is taken in a glass booth that extends off of the Sears Tower in Chicago where they visited the summer.

It turned very cold today and will continue to get colder. My old bones are not happy with the temps and seem to not get warm enough. 

Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. Sorry it is so cold up there and making your bones hurt. We don't have winter yet. We've had one near freeze, but today is nice and warm and sunny. My flowers are still in bloom, and I noticed that my redbud tree is budding out. I suppose when the coldsnap comes, that will hurt!

  2. That's a lovely card from your niece and her family. John and Larry took photos from that same place in the Spring! I'm not sure I could walk out there!
    My sister in Indiana got quite a lot of snow today. Hope you and Della have a nice Sunday - stay warm!
