Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday's findings.......

Plastic never wears out as I was thinking about the age of this whirlygig of my Dad's.   I brought it home from the front of the house, it has been there for over 10 years.  I was surprised to see it there and realize that it was given to my dad before he died 10 years ago.  It still spins it's wings when the wind blows.

We were in Des Moines yesterday, buying new tires for the car.  We stopped into Hobby Lobby to buy paint supplies and framing supplies and I looked over the new fake glass blown ornaments.  I didn't buy any but it is getting about time to start the process.  I am not as excited this year,  but we have plans to set up one of our trees soon.

The above photo is one of my last years shots of one of our ornaments.

Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. It won't be too much longer. The train ornament is cute.

  2. Gorgeous little ornament!! And the duck is pretty cool too!
