Thursday, December 2, 2010

Revived and sprouting........

I left this out in the cold and everybody was laying down acting like they were dead.  I brought it in and warmed it up, gave it some water and now I am rewarded.
My grandmother Burgus grew cactus in her bay window and different grandchildren would get an injury from one.  I am sure that they were collected cactus that were shared from different friends as you couldn't really buy plants back then at any store. I remember all the different strange shapes, some tall and some so short and round.  It had to be back in 1956.  I remember playing Cootie in her living room.


  1. Fun and special memories of your Grandmother, Larry. I'm glad you were successful in reviving the cactus.

  2. As a word of warning to my friends in blog land. I have found that I slowly lostfollowers as they just quit blogging and delete their accounts, but in one day I received 7 comments from seven different new people, all different names from all over the world. I checked their profile or blog and they are not legit. I don't know if I allow the comment to be published if I cause others trouble, but I deleted every one of them. I think it would pay that you really do check out the strangers to see their background.
    One of my concerns is a customer of mine who has my email, bought something from China and now I am getting sales ads numerous times a day. They must have grabbed her mailing list when she bought something from them. Be cautious out there.

  3. Thanks for the heads up Larry..I am having to delete comments on Forgotten Old Photos too..some are garbage some are ads and some are twisted sick people..I guess it takes all kinds. I have two email gets no spam..Yahoo..the other through a local provider is supposed to have fancy spam filters..and I get many a day..I just started blocking the senders..maybe that will work.
    I had to laugh that your cactus was "laying down acting like it was dead." :)

  4. i never have been a fan of cactus -
    but i love your new header!

  5. I am chuckling at the cactus injuries, but I bet they were painful.

    Yes, I delete comments if I don't think they're legit. Sometimes the English that's just a bit off kilter is the clue, even allowing for English not being the commenter's first language.
