Saturday, January 15, 2011

The back of the clock..........

The clock backing was in three pieces and the one bracket standing vertically has a twin piece that I need to put back into position. The clock must have had an earlier repair job as I had to take out large rusty nails that held the brackets on the back.  They would not have been original to this clock.

Gluing and clamping the next piece to finish off the back.  The split here was created because of how they had used large nails to affix the other bracket.  I remove all of them.

With it glued and clamped, I had to put weight on the whole piece to keep it from buckling.  As you can see I grabbed some pretty high tech weights to hold it down.

Another view of the last procedure. The mat cutter is weighing down the other end so that is why there isn't any junk down there.

The other perpendicular piece is glued and placed in position.  Again the tablet helped to hold it down and the nails and glue bottle kept it standing vertically.

Everything is now glued back together.  I may use small brads to nail in from the back to reinforce the glued brackets. I hope I don't split it again.  The round bracket must have had a bell shaped piece to allow the clock to sound on the hour.

The clock's mechanical piece is probably not going to be fixable but I won't do much with it for now.  What you are seeing in the top of the clock at the bottom of the photo.  The face of the clock sat directly above the mechanism.

The restoration is on hold for now but I will keep you posted as I move on with the clock case and door.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great project..I can't wait to see it finished! Your weights worked just fine..we would use what is readily available too:)
