Sunday, January 16, 2011

Swaziland and snow.......

We help support a couple who are missionaries to Swaziland.  They have been our friends for years and they now live over in Africa working with the Children's Cup ministries.  Jerry and Karen help to feed children one meal a day and provide an hour or two of education to teach basic skills of reading and writing. A lot of the children are orphans and the aids epidemic is rampant throughout.  We were glad to see them back in November for a short visit before they returned to Africa.

I thought the stamp on the postcard was unique.  We are unable to ever send mail or packages to them as they most likely would be stolen.  I was surprised to see them sending out mail but they may have sent it with a carrier to another country to get it out. I guess there isn't much you can take from a postcard.

Snow sculptures remain as we have not seen any temperatures above 21 degrees F.  It doesn't look promising for next week either.  It is to get down to below zero the next few days, maybe even all next week.  I tune it out after while as it is just plane cold.

Thanks for stopping by on this Sunday.  I hope you get a good day for resting and that all is well with you.


  1. Your friends are doing really good work. How sad that corruption is so rife that you can't post anything to them.
    Still got snow, eh?!

  2. Thanks Larry. More power to your wonderful friends. The conditions in many African countries are bad beyond belief, especially for the orphaned children. My reports on this are from my son and daughter in law who have gone to Ethiopia and Rwanda to adopt children. Also last summer they spent time in Haiti which is even worse.
    I enjoyed the duck story! :)

  3. I don't know how some missonaries do it, being in a foreign country where they can't even get mail from home. ..I hope your friends stay safe:)

  4. LOL on those glasses!

    We have some homeless men living under a bridge here locally. That could make an interesting photo. :(
