Monday, January 17, 2011

Looking for a great bridge in Iowa.......

I need to take a picture of a bridge for a photo contest.  I almost got silly and tried to take shots of this one.  I know that I have some archived photos in files of Rockefeller bridges in Acadia National Park but I thought I should look for something new.  I live an  hour away from the bridges in Madison County but it is a high of 14 degrees around here.  It isn't going to warm up and the roads will be bad for some time.  I can see getting there and the cold and the snow wouldn't really be great for a backdrop for these historic covered bridges.  We have a mile long bridge near here also but it is so plain looking and I again will have to get out of the car and trudge through a lot of deep snow.  We will see how I will solve this problem.  I have 13 days to get something figured out for the entry.

A cheap, cheep shot of my artificial bird on a wreath before taking it to the basement.  We took our large tree down yesterday and I still need to tote the boxes to the basement.

Della and I were engaged to be married 26 years ago in December, I think on the 18th.  She gave me this hand crafted pillow for a present and I gave her a diamond ring.  I have to confess that she was surprised as we had not talked about any marriage plans up to that point. She did say yes and she hasn't told me yet that she wants to  change her mind.  She did all of the work by hand and it is a pillow of historic value of wonderful memories. DW says my math is wrong and she is  correct of course. It was 27 years ago, but I got the day right.

On our 25th wedding anniversary I gave her this lovely set of patio glasses made of plastic.

In case you think I was stupid,  I also gave her a very pricey ring.  The glasses were enhancement to the  ring. 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are all doing well.  Freezing rain and bad roads are on the menu for today.


  1. LD,
    After following your blog for some time now I know that you will take a bridge and turn it into a great piece of visual art. Can’t wait to see what you come up with. - G

  2. I am looking for a Bridge too..I have a few photos that may work.
    A memory pillow and a pretty glass..both with rings in their stories..I think you must be a romantic Larry:)

  3. Congratulations to you and Della. It sounds like you both made the right decisions. That was a sweet story. Hope you find that bridge.

  4. Actually, it was 27 years ago in December - we celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary this year. But I won't split hairs, it is amazing that you remembered. Don't forget the bridge over the backyard pond, and the Prom Bridge to Nowhere, that isn't there any more.
