Friday, April 22, 2011

Out in back.........

It is drippy, foggy and cool outside.  I have walked Barney and now I am out in the backyard with the little dog snapping a bit of spring activity. The wind did determine the direction of lean for the hyacinths.  It has done well considering the strong wind, frost and heavy rain.

The flag iris is up and maybe this year it will bloom.  It was so crowded and shaded that I had to split it and moved the leftovers to another location.  The creeping charlie is up already and the wild violets can be seen in the background.  The pond looks good right now but I have plans to fill it in and turn it into a bog garden. I can't maintain it and the liner leaks.  If I can get some swampy plants in there I won't have to work so hard at it.

I see a leftover tennis ball that Barney abandoned last fall.  He isn't great at playing ball as he is thinking we are throwing it at him not throwing if for him to fetch.  The variegated iris is coming on strong.  I have never seen this bloom so it is good to see it sprouting up with great vigor.

We are headed to church tonight for Good Friday services.  It is a bit soggy for Easter weekend but the sun surely will show through sometime this weekend.

Thanks for stopping in.........and Happy Easter to you.


  1. Happy Easter to you and Della! It is wonderful to see your plants doing so well. You will have to show us the flag and variegated irises when they bloom. We have had a much cooler day with misty rain today. We are helping my brother load a 14 yard dumpster with 50+ years of accumulation as he is downsizing into a 1 bedroom condo on Monday.
    I hope you get some warmer sunshine for this weekend. May God bless you both.

  2. Hi Larry..Everything looks good in your yard..the Flag Iris should bloom. I am anxious to see your variegated one too..interesting foliage.
    Poor Barney..Chance could help him understand a ball. I suppose someone threw a ball or worse yet rock at him before you rescued him.
    Happy Easter to you and Della:)

  3. Larry,

    While the weather may be windy and chilly there, your pictures remind me of a warm spring day. The hyacinths is beautiful and wish you all the luck with the blooming of the iris, but I am finding your picture of its stately foliage is outstanding in it own right.

    Hoping the sun will find you guys Easter Morning if not before. – G

  4. Nice to see these photos... my hyacinths have yet to come out of the ground! L

  5. Good for you...we got MORE snow last night. hahaa..UGH!!!
    But, it is supposed to be sunny and in the 60's tomorrow..we can only hope!!

  6. Your plants appear to have a healthy start this year, Larry. Can't wait to see them in full bloom!
