Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Art show at the fair.........

One doesn't dare get to close to take pictures or the artist might think you are trying to steal your idea.  I watched a guy at our show we did a few months take a photo of my wife's painting.  I am sure it ended up on his desktop screen or maybe he printed it out for himself. 

This booth was Jill Flinn's work.  She is a blogger friend of my wife and each year she brings work up to sell.  All their proceeds go towards their dog rescue that the have on their farm in Missouri.

This is a similar scene than the one above but I will post it as it is at a different angle.

I did like this work and it did inspire me to try to do something like this.  There were lots of paintings, pastel paintings, metal sculpture and jewelry. 

It was a busy day yesterday and another one today. I don't know why life can wait to get complicated all in a few days but it has.  I will share later....................


  1. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics, Larry. Hope all is well, keep us posted.

  2. I hope you are recovering okay! What a great Art must have been a fun day for you! :)

  3. Wow, I too was impressed with the artwork in that last photo. Very original. Those houses look like they came right out of a Harry Potter movie, and they're really neat!

    You and Della amaze me at how busy you guys always are. But that's great, because it keeps you young!!! :-)
