Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A living sculpture...........

A still sculpture created by a human form sits quietly during the art show at the state fair grounds.  Normally he never makes a move, and yet if you lift the cloth and peak into his basket, he moves with great surprise.  Don't steal from his basket!

I started out with a pretty normal day, thinking all was well but by four fifteen in the afternoon I was at a dentist office having a tooth extracted.  I really am bummed out about it but life goes on.  My teeth are healthy but they seem to want to break in half all the way to the root.  I know there are worse things to have done and to have as a disease but the shock of the procedure and the pain afterward seems to be such a horrific thing at the time of the event.  In a day or two,  I will be fine.

Thanks for stopping by..............


  1. Stopping by your blog is like stepping out into the springtime for a breath of fresh air. You always have something beautiful or interesting to show us. Sorry about your tooth extraction. Bummer! Hope you are feeling better by now.

  2. P.S. Your new blog banner is very nicely designed ... even if snakes do give me the heebie jeebies. What kind of snake is that?

  3. It is one of our very adult garter snakes. They are big and we have four or five of them and all their little babies. I mowed a patch for the neighbors and they have some large ones over there too.

  4. As we age..first the memory goes and then the teeth! I think it has to do with dental work we had done as teenagers..I have so many crowns..and root canals to try to save teeth..I guess it is better than being a toothless old woman.
    I hope you feel better soon.
    Those snakes are in your yard and next door..oh my..I would be praying for snow and cold weather. Isn't Barney a snake dog.:(

  5. I loved seeing that "living statue" guy. Your story about him definitely gave me a chuckle. LOL

    So sorry to hear about your tooth, and hope your mouth is feeling better now. Tom's teeth have been breaking a lot too lately, and both he, and I, have had to have some pulled also, and with me, that usually means pain for a week or so. Ugh.

    Hope your week got better as it went along!
