Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mowing and moving day.........

I spent Wednesday morning and part of the afternoon mowing my yard.  As I mow I see things that need to be done but normally don't take the time to do.  Wednesday was different as I went to the tool shed and found my best spade and started to work.   I moved a newer hosta from an area that was away from the house and we were never able to enjoy it.  I dug it up, split it into two plants and brought to the side  yard gardens.   I will photograph the actual plant in a few days to show you the design and color of it.

My neighbor shared this flag iris with me a few  years ago and I decided it just wasn't doing well next to the fence.  I left half of it there but move a good part of it out five feet away from the fence so that it would be in the sun.  I know it grows like a weed next door so I need it to be in the hot sun.

Also out at the corner of my property I have this redtwig bush that is becoming overgrown.  I also notice that it was sending out sprouts and creating new plants next to it.  I dug up the end of a runner and have a very good start that I planted next to the front porch stairs.  It will look good there and it is nice to get a free shrub.

I also moved another smaller plant of which I don't remember the name. It was being crowded out by the yucca plants.  It has smaller yellow blooms that are on a fern-like foliage stems but I just can't pull the name out from my little gray cells.

I am substitute teaching today in the high school.  It will be very hot today and I will be nice and cool in the newer air conditioned classroom.  There aren't going to be many teachers gone the first of the year but some are off doing or attending workshops. I did sub for a sick teacher last week who had a summer cold.

Thanks for checking in on my site.........Friday is coming!!!


  1. I love that flag iris. I'm really partial to blues in the flower kingdom.

    Enjoy your day subbing, and have a great weekend.


  2. Now is the time to move perennials while they can still establish a good root system before winter. How did your Mom's Pink rose do this year? Did you buy a new camera yet? :)
