Saturday, September 10, 2011

Snaps in the sun......

It has warmed up and it is Saturday afternoon.  I wandered out with the Cannon just to see what I could find to shoot pictures of for the old blog.  I have been gone awhile on the Creative Zone, but life does get busy.

I taught Math in the middle school on Thursday and that done me in for sure.  I did a good job but I had to be on task continually teaching, explaining and monitoring behaviors of the early teens.  As I did the job, the room kept getting warmer and warmer.  I was like the frog in boiling water as by the end of the day the room was 86 degrees or hotter and I was in a long sleeved shirt worn because of the early morning cold.

I am booked to teach every day this next week.  Maybe I can get some blogging time in during the one free period per day.

The sun is shining and the flowers are drinking in the warmth.  It gives me shiny photos but it was neat to be out there with all the new blooms.

I spent my entire day on Friday creating a frame for a large map for a customer.  I have been putting it off because it required me to engineer the whole project.  The map was 70 inches by 55 inches and there was not a backing that I could buy that is that large.  I mounted the map on thin plywood but there had to be a seam which I had to make to get the backing to be large enough.  All of that work has to be precision. The framing pieces are so large that I had to connect each corner together one at a time without a large frame clamp.   Of course they wanted it to be a black painted mat frame so I had to spray black paint, wait for it to dry then spray a mat sealer to protect it.  We quit working on it at 9:00 at night having started at 7:00 in the morning.

We are having a quiet Saturday and I picked up a virus from the kids on Thursday.  There is a new summer or fall cold now moving through the school.  Kids were going home throughout the day from stomach aches or fevers.

Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog.  I am back and up and running after a few days of a gap.  I hope everyone is having a good weekend and thanks again............for stopping by. 


  1. Sorry to hear you have been sick. I know my sis is constantly fighting to stay healthy as a teacher also. These photos are so very pretty. I love this season. Our heat has subsided enough that we can get out and walk around the yard.
    I wonder where your client with the map will hang something so big. I have no skill/experience with framing/matting but I know from mounting cross stitch how difficult it is when the piece is too large for the backing. It's difficult to "hide" seams.
    Hoping you feel better soon and that next week will go well at school.
    We miss hearing from you but certainly understand your busy schedule. Take care.

  2. Actually the client and his wife own an insurance business and I assume it will go into a large office room for sales strategy sessions.

  3. Hiya are a busy man! Sounds like you tackled a huge framing project..hope you are over the virus..germy kids anyway:(
