Sunday, September 11, 2011

A rescued rose.......

I have successfully moved this rose from southern Iowa to my garden.  It put out one bloom earlier in the season and another one now. It is the second year that I have had it in this location.  I will fertilize and mulch and encourage it more to bring on multiple blooms for next year.

It is a day to remember the tragedy that took place in this country. May we never diminish the horror of the day by just moving on but may we learn and reevaluate who we are as a country and how we need to protect our once taken for granted freedom.

Take care today and appreciate your every day.  Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog.


  1. Beauty, and not an earwig chomp anywhere that I can see.

  2. A beautiful bloom, Larry. I'm sure it will repay all your attention.

    Thinking of all who lost their lives 10 years ago, and grateful to the USA for its friendship to our country.

  3. Beautiful! Such a perfect rose!
    Have a good week in school:)

  4. Larry! When will this hot weather in Iowa stop? lol, Tomorrow I think here in Iowa City anyway. Iowa is MUCH better in the 65degree zone. I can't wait!
