Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall color everywhere......

The Aiatic lilies have interesting coloration as fall sets in and prepares them for the winter.

The tree across the street is turning yellow and leaves are starting to fall.

I am in the English room at the high school level today.  I am glad to have a break from the middle school students as they do take a lot of energy to keep them on task.  I spent the day yesterday with the chainsaw and some trees at the farm.  I will welcome a day off from that physical exercise.  I told my brother in law that a chainsaw gives off a far greater workout than any piece of gym equipment.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your Wednesday. 


  1. Your neighbor's tree is so pretty against the blue sky. Looks like your garden is going to sleep for the Winter now.
    Glad you have a school day to rest up from the chainsaw workout.

  2. Middle school, yes similar to a chainsaw workout!

    7/8 Monday, 8's today and 7's tomorrow, all different schools. Need some primaries to recoup my energies.

  3. Larry, I'm not sure about my opinion, but you seem to make your side of Iowa look prettier than ours...The trees here are all either brown or yellow. PErhaps it is becauseI come from Michigan....which, for all its flaws, had some of the best colors during the fall. I guess I miss it a little, Or I'm just not used to the color all being YELLOW. ( all that fall corn in the fields) Hope the kids don't drive you too crazy....and Chainsaws are fun if you keep them tuned up. Try carving with one sometime..

  4. Our chainsaw broke it is at the repair shop with an unknown problem. So we are raking leaves instead. WE are having a heat wave almost 85 degrees today..warm for October.
    You are getting some color ! Enjoy your time off from subbing:)

  5. I've always wanted to experience fall and be surrounded by these wonderful colors of nature.
