Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wishful thinking......

This particular squash seems to think it can make it before the first freeze. I will monitor it to see how it goes as the majority of the vines are shutting down.

I need to now clear the zinnias and collect the seed. I am so glad that I planted this patch even though I was in doubt.

Another view of the vigor of the butternut squash as they just keep blooming.  One  bloom knows that is is over but the other blossom is raising it's head with hope.

I successfully made the chainsaw start up one more time to finish cutting up the last of the trees that we had cleared down on the farm.  It was a song and dance to get it to work but I think I have bonded with the machine now to know it's quirks and all of it's needs to keep it running.

I am teaching British and American literature today in the morning and in the afternoon I follow a nice young man to each of his classes.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. I've never grown butternut squash or zinnias. Grandma had lots of zinnias when I was a kid and I remember the butterflies loved them.
    Hope your school day is going well and glad you got the chainsaw to work in order to finish your job.

  2. Larry, that butternut squash might make it, but the flowers on the others look like they got a bit chilled. We didn't have any zinnias in our wildflower garden this year. It's too bad as I'm sure the seeds woud have been great to gather and reseed with next season.
