Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday for sure........

An old coal burning furnace.  It looks like it has been beat up a little but it was actually hauled out of the basement by a machined and dropped to the ground.  I lays on it's side ready to be picked up the the salvagers.

I don't know if the furnace was actually forged in Des Moines, Iowa, or if the company that made the furnace made a special door for the Des Moines' company to put on their products that they sold.

We had a sunny, cold day today.  I didn't have to work at school today so I help out at the farm, taking a load to the landfill and picking up trash.  My wife and I are also getting ready for a major art show that takes place next week.

We are proud that they asked us to participate in it as it is an exclusive show. We will be setting up for it on a Thursday evening as to be ready for the Friday evening start.  Then Saturday and Sunday hours will keep us busy.  Once it gets set up, we enjoy doing the event.   I will report more on that as the event gets closer and also will give you a rundown of all that takes place for the three days.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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