Monday, November 7, 2011

The last thing that I grabbed.......

I was feeling badly that we had finally finished the cleaning out of the house.  I am very glad to have sold it.  I went into the garage one last time and picked up some padded moving blankets that my brother had in there for some reason. I looked around in the garage and opened cupboard doors just to see if there was anything left that I had missed.

On the wall was this beat-up hammer and nailed to the wall above the counter was this thermometer.  I don't know where my dad found this as he was not in the farm business by the time he built this garage.  I know he had not done business with them but I just decided it needed to come home with me.

Lorimor, Iowa is a very small town, west and near the Murray, Iowa area.  My mom was born in a farmhouse in 1919,  north of there between Lorimor and Winterset, Iowa, the covered bridge town.  The house that my grandfather built north of Murray in the country was moved into Lorimor.  So the connection to this metal thermometer is greater just because of the stories I can tell about it.

I really will have to see if the business still exists today in the town.  I doubt they are on the internet so it will have to be a phone book search.

I did an internet search and found some items on sale as collectibles for the Roseman Feed and Milling.  I also was reminded that the covered bridge that was used for the movie, "Bridges of Madison County",  was named the Roseman bridge.

It is a busy week for us and Monday kicks off with me being at school.  School is cancelled on Thursday as our volleyball girls are playing at state on that day at noon.  The day off will help me to get things done for the art show that we are participating in on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  We will be weary after it is over but I am hoping that it will be a fun experience for us both.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog.  Rain is coming tonight and we do need it.


  1. That old thermometer is really neat. Glad you rescued it.

    Hope you and your DW do well at the show this weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. That's a great conversation piece; glad you brought it home and shared it with us.
    Hope you both have a great experience at the art show.

  3. The thermometer was a nostalgia moment for me as well. We used to have one just like hanging on the porch. I think it was from Cliff Carlton's general store in Dunchurch though. Interesting that you were able to find other similar items on line in your search.

    Grade 6 today.

  4. It looks to have weathered well!
    I hope you got rain..none here yet:(
