Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday's late posting

My wife and I had a very busy day.  One of the things we accomplished was to go to the house in Osceola and mow, mulch the leaves for the last time ever in my lifetime.  The closing is going to be happening in the next ten days.

The amazing thing that I saw in my parents yard was the blanket of red leaves on the ground around their burning bush.  It was quite a sight and I refused to mow them.  I think they just can be enjoyed by everyone instead.

I have mixed emotions about being done with the home.  It has been an eight year journey of first losing my Dad in 2000 and then in 2008 losing my Mom and then my brother within a three month period.  Having the house now sell and the place being readied for the new buyer is a good feeling.  The taking of the last of the items from the house that remind me of my parents was tough.

It is all done now and we can now move on with our lives.  As my wife said, she and I have really fond memories of the times we worked down there together as the house started taking shape and reaching it's completion.  We would snack on Subway's in the living room on boxes and rest between all that we had to do.

We would laugh at me making inquires to two different electricians about a ceiling light problem.  Finally I discovered that my mom was putting burned out light bulbs back into the sleeves and I just needed to buy new bulbs.  I am glad I never had an electrician come to the house.

Time flies and we move on now.  We are tired from the day and yet have accomplished a lot finishing up things for our art show and getting down to finish up the yard work.

Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog.

For those who are confused about the farm situation, my wife's dad had a farm and we are still in the working stages of getting that cleaned up for an eventual sale.  I don't know how long that will take as it has already been a long hard process this past few months.  I have mentioned it off and on but it is all too confusing to explain the complications of that situation. I have cut a lot of trees down and we have just begun.


  1. Sounds like you've taken care of everything. Too funny about the light bulbs!
    I love burning bush leaves too. I'm glad you left them.

  2. That's a cute story about your Mom and the burned out light bulbs!

    I am thankful that the closing on your parents' home is going forward. Your and Della's hard work will be a blessing to the new owners.

    I will never forget how hard it was to leave our last home earlier this year. A home we shared with my mother.

    God bless you and Della.

  3. I'm sure this is a sad but freeing time for you. Glad you and your DW have fond memories of getting this place ready together. I hope all goes smoothly with your work at the farm also.

    Glad you left the fallen red leaves as that must look beautiful at this time of year.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  4. I am just beginning to work on my mama's house. she still lives with us. she and i go up and spend friday nights and i work as hard as i can cleaning and sorting through closets and cabinets. it is nice to have her there to tell me the story behind a lot of things. i'm glad to hear about you selling the house - that has been a long journey for you.

  5. So glad to hear that your parents house finally sold. I am sure leaving there for the final time was hard..but just think of your good memories there..and let someone else worry about the mowing and upkeep.
    Now you have another projects at Della parents farm..I enjoy all the photos of the "stuff":)

  6. It has been a while since I have had any time whatsoever to read other's blogs, but glad I had a little time to stop by and get caught up a little with your blog. So glad you are closing on the house and I can relate to the bittersweet feelings that go along with this transition. You are right to concentrate on the happy memories of your parents and their house...and now the work is behind you and you can enter the next chapter of your life. Great shot of the burning bush and very symbolic.
