Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Donkey planter is fixed......

How to fix your donkey planter.  I saw it land on the concrete floor in the basement. It was an accident and I was glad I still had all the pieces.  I couldn't get the super glue to work on it as the planter is made up of very porous, low fired clay.  Wood glue came to the rescue and as you can see the container also helped to hold it's head in place while it dries.

I will treat this thing with a lot of kindness as it will not be a great glue fix.  I don't want to loose it as I remember this thing sitting in the middle of our kitchen table back in 1957.  It had an ugly black and silver doily under it on our gray formica table.

I found this among the junk in the cupboards in the utility room at my parents.  I don't remember ever seeing it again until the past few years when I discovered it.  When I was young it had a vine in it but for now it has an oxalis.

I am a techie again today.  I do a lot of odd jobs including taking out the trash. It can be just as tiring as a sub teacher but I do have the ability to pace myself more easily as a tech guy.

Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. I saw a similar donkey planter at the antique store yesterday. Wonderful that you were able to repair this one since it has special memories from long ago.

    Have a nice day at school.

  2. It is good to catch up with odd jobs..I know just the table you are talking about. My parents had one too..and it is out in my garage as a catch all table:)

  3. The Donkey Planter is a true gem! The story behind it is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
